[학생 건축설계] Co-ho (Co-office + social housing) Phase 1.3 Project : Design proposition by formulating zoning organization - Phase 1 Drawings _ 2017 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2017 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[학생 건축설계] Co-ho (Co-office + social housing) Phase 1.2 Project : Design brief + Exploration of integrated zoning system _ 2017 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2017 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[학생 건축설계] Co-ho (Co-office + social housing) Phase 1 Project : Design brief _ Proposal of symbiotic zoning system for inner synergy Works_Portfolio since 2011/2017 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[Workshop] Playground _ 지역아동센터 건립 workshop Project : Playground _ Proposal for children care center 공립형 지역아동센터 설립 workshop _ 2017 Project tutor _ IDÉEAA 강제용 건축가 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2017 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[Competition] Outside - In : 대한민국건축대전 Competition project : Outside - In submitted International competition of Korean institute of archtects _ 제 35회 대한민국 건축대전 공모 출품 Award : 2nd prize _ 2016 2016 시상식 참여 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[학생 건축설계] Typology of concert hall Project : Park inside the concert hall _ Typology of concert hall for an alternative form with Greenery site condition Year : 2016 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[Competition] Idea Competition for the Renewal of Plaza in the Bank of Korea 2016 Project : Idea Competition for the Renewal of Plaza in the Bank of Korea 2016 _ 한국은행 분수광장 리뉴얼 공모전 _ Design with supernam studio _ Myoungji univ. 남수현 교수 연구실 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[Competition] Timeline of memory _ 흙건축 공모전 Project : Timeline of memory _ 2016 흙건축 공모전 _ 광화문 광장의 틀어진 축 재건을 통한 공공 광장 디자인 Award : Honorable mention _ Judged by Kuma kengo Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02