Competition project : Outside - In submitted International competition of Korean institute of archtects
_ 제 35회 대한민국 건축대전 공모 출품
Award : 2nd prize _ 2016
2016 시상식 참여
'Works_Portfolio since 2011 > 2016 (B.A)' 카테고리의 다른 글
[학생 건축설계] Typology of concert hall (0) | 2023.04.02 |
[Competition] Idea Competition for the Renewal of Plaza in the Bank of Korea 2016 (0) | 2023.04.02 |
[Competition] Timeline of memory _ 흙건축 공모전 (0) | 2023.04.02 |
[Competition] Extended local platform _ 철도공모전 (0) | 2023.04.02 |
[Competition] Junglim _ 합생주의[concrescence-ism] (0) | 2023.04.02 |