[Competition] Junglim _ 합생주의[concrescence-ism] Project : 정림건축 학생공모전 _ 재난건축 _ 2016 [Junglim architecture student competition for designing the disaster architecture] Award : 1st prize Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[학생 건축설계] Outside - In : Urban design _ Block system Project : Outside - In Year : 1st term _ 2016 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[학생 건축설계] Outside - In : Urban design _ Planning Project : Outside - In Year : 1st term _ 2016 Myongji univ. Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[학생 건축설계] Outside - In : Urban design Project : Outside - In Year : 1st term _ 2016 Myongji univ. Works_Portfolio since 2011/2016 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[Competition] Cultural art space Project : 접속의 소거 - Cultural art space Year : 2nd term _ 2015 Competition : 차세대문화공간 3rd prize Works_Portfolio since 2011/2015 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[Competition] SH 청년주택 social housing design Project : SH - Social housing design Year : 2015 Prize : 2nd prize 청년주택 제안 2015 SH공사 청년주택 공모 (최우수) Works_Portfolio since 2011/2015 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[Competition] Housing design Project : International competition for housing design Year : 2015 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2015 (B.A) 2023.04.02
[학생 건축설계] Extension of Mies van der Rohe's pavilion - 03 Project : Extension of Barcelona pavilion Year : 1st term _ 2015 Works_Portfolio since 2011/2015 (B.A) 2023.04.02